Friday, June 28, 2013

Just Go to Bed

Why do I find it so hard to go to bed sometimes? I'm tired, I'd love to sleep, yet I keep refreshing Twitter, hoping to see a reason to procrastinate. Even if I'm thwarted, I make my usual round of my usual sites, hoping for something. Why is that?

Maybe I think if I don't go to sleep, the new day doesn't have to come. But there's nothing really unpleasant in the new day, at least not tomorrow. I mean, I do have to work a long shift tomorrow, but that's not terrible. I'm not trying to avoid it, at least not actively. Why do I want to put off the day?

Maybe I don't want to start another day of not having the things in my life that I want. (Being in a long distance relationship, and having severe marriage and baby fever will do that to a person.) I'm tired of days passing without my life settling down, without settling in for the long haul.

Is that why I can't sleep? You'd think it would be the opposite; that I would want to sleep, make the days come faster and pass faster, so that the days when I finally get to settle into a steady life happen faster. Yet when it comes down to it, it seems that I put off sleeping as long as possible. I sometimes don't want the new day to come, with its reminders that my life is okay, and though I'm happy, I'm not in the place I want to be, with the person I want to be with.

It's a weird conundrum, and it certainly doesn't happen all the time. You can tell it's happening right now, because I'm writing this blog post and not going to bed. It's been one of those days, and I think I'm afraid it'll be another one of those days tomorrow.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I am really, really, terribly bad at keeping up with blogs that I actually like reading! I had shied away from an RSS feed because I really didn't know what it did, and I have little to no patience for figuring out what it did. I still am not entirely sure, although I plan on getting a thorough tutorial at some point soon. (Because I should really figure all that out!)

But then, Kayley Hyde (@kayleyhyde) mentioned Bloglovin' on Twitter. I decided to check it out, and I actually LIKE IT! I can keep track of blogs, and though I'm still getting used to it and sifting it out, I do like that they're just all there in a row so I can read them (or not read them, as the case may be) and actually see updates.

Mostly just using this because I want to see what claiming your blog does, but still, it's exciting to discover new things, and after the Twitter chat I participated in tonight (check out @socapott, or the hashtag, #socapott, to see what was discussed, it was super fun!), I feel more technologically advanced. (Even though I am really, really, REALLY not.) So yup. Liking Bloglovin' so far, though; clean layout, simple, which is all I need!

I promise (mostly myself, because I have no idea what kind of audience this has) that I will do a REAL blog post soon.