So here goes.
Here goes. I'm writing a blog post. My first big girl blog post.
Just start it.
This is harder than I thought. Or is it? The fact that I can't decide is pretty telling.
have wanted to start a legitimate blog - as in not Tumblr - for the
longest time. But I always thought that it was pointless. Since I
stopped writing in my early years of high school - stopped writing for
pleasure, that is - I've been under the impression that I suck. And that's why I stopped. I don't know if that's true anymore. In writing
e-mails to people I care about, even in a lot of Tumblr posts that no
one besides me has ever seen, I've seen glimpses of what could be termed
pretty good writing. I've been coming closer to thinking, "Hey, maybe I
can do this again. Maybe I can enjoy this again and maybe I can really
decide how good at this I am." So I guess that's what prompted the
creation of this blog. (Although I have to hand it to Hayley G. Hoover
- she inspires me every day and after a couple of hours spent catching
up on her blog, I thought, "This is it. This is the time to start one.")
Hayley G. Hoover I am not, and never will be, but using her as
inspiration seems to be a good idea to me right now. Plus, listening to
Julia Nunes just makes me want to do great things.
and girls, I have no idea what I'm doing. Half of these settings
options are completely foreign to me; it's going to take me a while to
figure this out. I'm not uber familiar with this site. I don't know what
people would be interested in reading. I waffle between caring about
that and being like, "I don't care what anyone thinks! This will be my
place and my place only! Screw all y'all!" I bet that feeling will
disappear if I receive a negative anonymous comment. Or maybe it won't. I
just don't know. This is a new adventure. I hope someone will share it
with me.
I plan to use this for my ramblings, my rants, my thoughts, not my
innermost secrets, since this is going to stay public, but also for my
creative forays. I want there to be way more of those. I have so many
ideas toddling around in my brain. They're only babies right now, babies
who have just found their feet, and I want to help them mature. I want
to shape them into steady walkers. And I have no idea why I'm using a
baby analogy. But these ideas are there and after four years in a Drama
program, my qualms about sharing those baby ideas with the world have
diminished. I want to make these happen. But my qualms will never
disappear entirely; I don't know where to start developing some of these
ideas. (For instance, I've never written a musical! But I want to. I want to write like three.) I'm
a totally new mom with these ideas. But there are so many people who
inspire me every day, and while I don't want to be like them exactly -
they're their own person and that's why I love them, although hey, I'd
still like to look like Charlize Theron and be as hilarious as Jennifer
Lawrence any day - I want their creativity to rub off on me. I do have a
store of creativity that I forget about a lot - I'm hoping this blog
will result in me not forgetting that anymore. I'd like some of these
ideas to come to fruition and I'd like to develop more.
I don't really know what this blog will contain beyond what I've
already said. I'm going to try. I already dislike the domain name I just
picked, so I'm thinking about starting over, but that'll come with the
territory. I'm thinking that'll happen every time I write a blog post
about something dark, or something I'm not entirely comfortable with.
I'll want to start over. But this is a good way to tell myself to push
through and move on. (As long as I ignore the fact that I did just delete the previous blog to get a new domain name. But I did it. I'm sticking with this one!)
And this blog post turned into
something that was fairly easy to write. I don't expect it will always
be like this, but I'm liking where this is going so far. I hope that
means I can stick to it. And don't expect it to be so serious all the
time. I couldn't be serious all the time if I was paid fifty million
dollars. Sometimes I make literally no sense at all. But sometimes I do.
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