Monday, September 24, 2012


I promise I'll be writing real blog, soon.

In the MEANTIME, here is a list of the shows in Ottawa (and other places that are actually accessible to me) I particularly want to see. So I don't lose them again. Because that sucked.

FOR REFERENCE: - Look at the New Season 2012-2013, at the bottom of the page. There's one for Dance and Theatre. And Music. And Books. It's pretty cool.

Beauty and the Beast - Broadway Across Canada
Location: National Arts Centre
Dates: Oct 30 - Nov 4

Rock of Ages - Broadway Across Canada
Location: National Arts Centre
Dates: Mar 5-10

Andrea Martin: Final Days! Everything Must Go! Location: Centrepointe Theatre
Date: Oct 27

The Strange Case of the Psycho Santas Location: Scarlett's Dinner Theatre (Byward Market)
Dates: Beginning Nov 16

Rabbit Hole - Kanata Theatre
Location: Ron Maslin Playhouse
Dates: Feb 5-9, 12-16

Harvey - Kanata Theatre
Location: Ron Maslin Playhouse
Dates: Mar 26-30, Apr 2-6

Pride and Prejudice - National Arts Centre English Theatre and Theatre Calgary Co-Production
Location: National Arts Centre
Dates: Nov 21 - Dec 8

Arsenic and Old Lace - Orleans Young Players Theatre School (Adult Class)
Location: Shenkman Arts Centre
Dates: Feb 22-23

Footloose - Orpheus Musical Theatre Society
Location: Centrepointe Theatre
Dates: Nov 23 - Dec 2

Carousel - Orpheus Musical Theatre Society
Location: Centrepointe Theatre
Dates: May 31 - June 9

Hay Fever - Ottawa Little Theatre
Location: Ottawa Little Theatre
Dates: Sept 15 - Oct 6

Steel Magnolias - Ottawa Little Theatre
Location: Ottawa Little Theatre
Dates: May 28 - Jun 15

Noises Off - Ottawa Little Theatre
Location: Ottawa Little Theatre
Dates: Jul 2-20

Hamlet/Maid for a Musket - St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival
Location: Prescott, ON
Dates: Jul 12 - Aug 17

The Drowsy Chaperone - Blue Canoe Productions
Location: Baby Grand Theatre, Kingston
Dates: Jan 10-26

Blood Relations - Queen's Drama
Location: Queen's Campus
Dates: TBA

The Nutcracker - Alberta Ballet
Location: National Arts Centre
Dates: Dec 5-9

Romeo and Juliet - The National Ballet of Canada
Location: National Arts Centre
Dates: Jan 31 - Feb 2

Swan Lake - Ballet Jorgen Canada
Location: Centrepointe Theatre
Dates: Mar 22-23

Thursday, September 20, 2012

This Is How...

I posted an entry wondering how I would ever manage to make my first YouTube video. I titled it How Do You Solve a Problem Like...Making Your First Video?

Well, here's the answer.

You make a plan and you do it.

I ended up writing out exactly what I wanted to say. I was originally going to memorize that but it just made the whole thing sound so rehearsed I had to scrap saying the exact words. It still sounds a tiny bit rehearsed, but I felt better about it. It was such a personal topic, the impact that Harry Potter has had on my life, that I had to at least try to be as natural as possible.

I was supposed to film the video this morning but that didn't end up happening. I filmed it when I returned home in the afternoon. Rule 1: Don't make a video when the light is changing. It WILL show up in your video. That was an unfortunate step on my part, but because I wanted this to be done so well, at least in terms of my speech, that I just left it. It's a very obvious jump haha. Good thing I'm not a film editor! But I did film it. Finally. First time ever, for YouTube, and I did it.

Editing is not my favourite thing, ever, and it's especially not my favourite when I don't have a real editing program. All I had was the browser my videocamera came with, as well as stuff like Windows Movie Maker. Which is fine when you're trimming off the ends and beginnings of the video, but not when you're trying to fix something in the middle. I have two massive cuts in my video that I hate, but there was nothing to be done because a) I don't know how to fix it, and b) the lighting changed so it'd be really obvious anyway.

All in all, it experience. I'm not uber excited and pleased - I'm excited that I finally put something out there, and I'm still holding out hope that I will make it on to the DVD extras for Finding Hogwarts, as this was the reason for this video, but even if I don't, I made a video, people! I did it, and I thought I would never find an excuse. The quality's not the best, neither is the editing; I didn't do anything fancy; but it's from the heart and it's all true. And I think that's what was most important. This meant a lot to me and I did it, so I feel good about it. Being on the extras would be a bonus but I really wanted to make this response video to Bre Bishop - aka ifancythetrio - anyway.

But it's out there now!

This is the link to my video:
Don't forget to order Finding Hogwarts! Watch the trailer on their site here:
This is the link to Bre's video talking about the Finding Hogwarts DVD/response video thing:
 AND this is the link to her original video:

This was a stressful, but exhilarating experience. I'm semi terrified and semi psyched to see what happens to this video I posted! It's in the public eye and it just seems much more personal than blog posts or social media profiles, for some reason. Maybe I'll write something about that later.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Do You Solve a Problem Like...Making Your First Video?

Apparently I've got The Sound of Music in my head a little bit. Who knows where that came from?

Just because I've posted two blog posts in two days does not mean this will be the natural way of things. I'll probably have huge gaps, but since it's my blog, I'm going to try not to worry about that.

I just saw Bre Bishop's latest tweet about the fact that if you submit your video response to her question, "What impact has Harry Potter had on your life?" before THURSDAY, it will still make it on the DVD extras.

I'd love to be on the DVD extras! I've already ordered my copy of Finding Hogwarts - and if you're a Harry Potter fan, it's definitely worth the order and is actually not that expensive! - and hey, wouldn't it be cool to be on the DVD? I also get my name in the credits so I guess it could be in there for a reason. And I don't think I'd have a problem making a response to the impact that Harry Potter has had on my life; it shaped my life, as I've been reading it since I was seven, but it also impacted me because it saved my skin a couple of times.

The problem I'm encountering about getting that video done and up by Thursday is that I've never made a YouTube video before. I've made videos before, but none that end up available to the rest of the world. I've always wanted to but I've always balked at the fact that I believe I have nothing to say. I think I'd really want my first video to be something that mattered to me, instead of just a silly introductory video.

Answering Bre's question would definitely be a good first video. Whether or not I get it on the DVD, I think I want to answer it. I wasn't on YouTube when everything was starting, back in 2006/2007, so I wasn't around when she asked the question the first time. However, I do know that that question sparked a lot of my favourite YouTubers' careers and presence on YouTube. For a lot of people, that was one of their very first videos on this fledgling site that has since blown up into an amazing vehicle for all kinds of communities - but particularly the ones I belong to, those of Harry Potter and Nerdfighteria. So I think it would be nostalgic and fitting if my very first YouTube video was a response to this question that is so important in my life.

Now I just have to think - if I really want to do this, I might as well do it as soon as possible, before I lose my nerve. This means I might actually slide in under the deadline to get it up in time for Thursday. If I write it tonight and film early tomorrow - and I'll keep the editing to a minimum, with no fancy tricks because let's face it, I don't know what I'm doing in any way - maybe I can actually get it up there.

I think I want to make this my goal. I think it's important that this deadline is coming up. Besides the fact that being on the extras of a real live DVD would be amazing, with a real deadline in mind, I can't avoid this. I can't lose my nerve, because I need to get it done.

I'm hoping that at the end of Wednesday, there'll be an actual uploaded video on my YouTube channel. I'm not going to pretend this is definitely going to happen; I'm aware of the deadline and my desire to do this, but I'm not going to pretend it's a done deal until it's filmed and edited. It's not going to be fancy, whatever I produce - but I think simple is ideal for a beginner and also for this question. I can communicate any fanciness in my words, because this question is so important to me.

So hopefully I can link to a video in my next post! Either that or my next post will be how I went down in flames in the attempt to make this video. It could swing either way.

I guess we'll all wait and see - myself included.

First...One? I'm Bad at Titles

So here goes.

Here goes. I'm writing a blog post. My first big girl blog post.

Just start it.

This is harder than I thought. Or is it? The fact that I can't decide is pretty telling.

I have wanted to start a legitimate blog - as in not Tumblr - for the longest time. But I always thought that it was pointless. Since I stopped writing in my early years of high school - stopped writing for pleasure, that is - I've been under the impression that I suck. And that's why I stopped. I don't know if that's true anymore. In writing e-mails to people I care about, even in a lot of Tumblr posts that no one besides me has ever seen, I've seen glimpses of what could be termed pretty good writing. I've been coming closer to thinking, "Hey, maybe I can do this again. Maybe I can enjoy this again and maybe I can really decide how good at this I am." So I guess that's what prompted the creation of this blog. (Although I have to hand it to Hayley G. Hoover - she inspires me every day and after a couple of hours spent catching up on her blog, I thought, "This is it. This is the time to start one.") Hayley G. Hoover I am not, and never will be, but using her as inspiration seems to be a good idea to me right now. Plus, listening to Julia Nunes just makes me want to do great things.

Guys and girls, I have no idea what I'm doing. Half of these settings options are completely foreign to me; it's going to take me a while to figure this out. I'm not uber familiar with this site. I don't know what people would be interested in reading. I waffle between caring about that and being like, "I don't care what anyone thinks! This will be my place and my place only! Screw all y'all!" I bet that feeling will disappear if I receive a negative anonymous comment. Or maybe it won't. I just don't know. This is a new adventure. I hope someone will share it with me.

I plan to use this for my ramblings, my rants, my thoughts, not my innermost secrets, since this is going to stay public, but also for my creative forays. I want there to be way more of those. I have so many ideas toddling around in my brain. They're only babies right now, babies who have just found their feet, and I want to help them mature. I want to shape them into steady walkers. And I have no idea why I'm using a baby analogy. But these ideas are there and after four years in a Drama program, my qualms about sharing those baby ideas with the world have diminished. I want to make these happen. But my qualms will never disappear entirely; I don't know where to start developing some of these ideas. (For instance, I've never written a musical! But I want to. I want to write like three.) I'm a totally new mom with these ideas. But there are so many people who inspire me every day, and while I don't want to be like them exactly - they're their own person and that's why I love them, although hey, I'd still like to look like Charlize Theron and be as hilarious as Jennifer Lawrence any day - I want their creativity to rub off on me. I do have a store of creativity that I forget about a lot - I'm hoping this blog will result in me not forgetting that anymore. I'd like some of these ideas to come to fruition and I'd like to develop more.

So I don't really know what this blog will contain beyond what I've already said. I'm going to try. I already dislike the domain name I just picked, so I'm thinking about starting over, but that'll come with the territory. I'm thinking that'll happen every time I write a blog post about something dark, or something I'm not entirely comfortable with. I'll want to start over. But this is a good way to tell myself to push through and move on. (As long as I ignore the fact that I did just delete the previous blog to get a new domain name. But I did it. I'm sticking with this one!)

And this blog post turned into something that was fairly easy to write. I don't expect it will always be like this, but I'm liking where this is going so far. I hope that means I can stick to it. And don't expect it to be so serious all the time. I couldn't be serious all the time if I was paid fifty million dollars. Sometimes I make literally no sense at all. But sometimes I do.
